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New York Storage Services


Pay only for the space you use

No one likes like the idea of paying for something we’re not using. So many times when renting a storage unit your stuff doesn’t fill the entire room because the rooms come in a set size and people are ending up paying for a room size they don’t need. That’s why we’ve developed a unique way of charging for storage. Instead of paying for an entire room, our customers pay for storage by the cubic foot measurement of their total items together. You’ll never pay for half of an unused storage room.

Short & Long Term Storage

So many New Yorkers are in a need of a flexible storage service. It can be while waiting for their new apartment to be ready for a move in or longer terms while renovations – whatever the reason may be – Pay only for the time you need. Unlike most mini storages that charge for a full month even if you did not use the full month – at Serenity Movers your storage billing is pro rate base on the number of days you actually used the space. We offer full service move in and out of storage so you won’t have to make another trip to storage. your belongings will be inventoried with color coded labels and stay wrapped to avoid damage while we store them for you.


The main difference between Serenity Storage and traditional self-storage is that we provide full service for moving in, moving out, and ongoing storage. Customers only have to deal with one company. We also keep an inventory of the items in storage so you know exactly what’s there. We store your items in stay wrap with moving pads for the duration of the storage time to protect them for the long haul unlike mini storage, in which the movers take off the padding, making items vulnerable to damage.